As part of the DTS migration I mentioned in my last post, I wrote a few functions to find less-than-ideal code. One thing we wanted to get rid of was linked-server joins, and the easiest way to find those was to check each Execute SQL task using a regular expression (long live Regulazy). So once again I'm using this blog as my personal source repository and re-producing the regex for this.
Regex for linked server queries:
I tried to generate an expression to find "SELECT...INTO" where ... did not contain @ or FROM, but couldn't figure it out with the meager regex capabilities of VBScript. Seems like a lookahead or lookbehind would probably work for this purpose, but according to the 4 Guys From Rolla, VBScript regex does not support these.
UPDATE: Spent a little more time on it and figured out a suitable regular expression to find instances of SELECT INTO that excludes INSERT INTO and SELECT FROM.
Regex for SELECT INTO:
UPDATE 2: My first SELECT INTO regex was foiled by something like "SELECT foo, bar, admintool from ...", so I fixed it to make sure there's whitespace before and after the SELECT and the INTO.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Parsing the filesystem for files
I'm sure this has been done many times before, but this is my implementation. I needed it to run a large DTS migration from files stored on disk, so first I needed a list of those files. They were contained in a directory tree in no particular order, and in many levels of subdirectories. I wanted a generalized solution to the parsing, so here it is.
Pasting it into Blogger butchered my formatting, but it feels like a waste of time to fix it, since it will probably not paste properly back into an editor anyway. I made the (minimal) comments green just to break it up a bit.
As usual, no warranty or even functionality of this code is expressed or implied. Use at your own risk, especially since I'm not sure the xp_subdirs extended proc is supported and xp_cmdshell can definitely be dangerous.
** get list of dirs to search for files
declare @currentdir varchar(1000)
declare @fullpath varchar(1000)
declare @basepath varchar(1000)
set @basepath = 'c:\stuff'
set @fullpath = @basepath
if exists (select 1 from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#dirs___%')
drop table #dirs
create table #dirs
directory varchar(1000)
, done bit
if exists (select 1 from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#dirtemp___%')
drop table #dirtemp
create table #dirtemp
( directory varchar(1000) )
insert into #dirtemp exec master.dbo.xp_subdirs @fullpath
insert into #dirs
'\' + directory as directory
, 0 as done
from #dirtemp
Loop: -- xp_subdirs spits out errors when a dir has no subdirs, so they have to be caught with this GOTO Loop construct
while exists (select 1 from #dirs where done = 0)
if exists (select 1 from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#subdirs___%')
drop table #subdirs
create table #subdirs
( directory varchar(255) )
select top 1 @currentdir = directory from #dirs where done = 0
set @fullpath = @basepath + @currentdir
exec master.dbo.xp_subdirs @fullpath
if (@@ERROR <> 0)
update #dirs set done = 1 where @currentdir = directory
insert into #subdirs exec master.dbo.xp_subdirs @fullpath
insert into #dirs select @currentdir + '\' +, 0 as done from #subdirs s
update #dirs set done = 1 where @currentdir = directory
if exists (select 1 from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#dirtemp___%')
drop table #dirtemp
if exists (select 1 from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#subdirs___%')
drop table #subdirs
** get list of files
declare @command varchar(1000)
declare @fileextension varchar(5)
set @fileextension = 'dts'
if exists (select 1 from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#files___%')
drop table #files
create table #files
filepath varchar(1000)
update #dirs set done = 0
while exists (select 1 from #dirs where done = 0)
if exists (select 1 from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#filetemp___%')
drop table #filetemp
create table #filetemp
filepath varchar(1000)
select top 1 @currentdir = directory from #dirs where done = 0
set @command = 'dir ' + @basepath + @currentdir + '\*.' + @fileextension + ' /B'
insert into #filetemp exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @command
insert into #files select @basepath + @currentdir + '\' + filepath from #filetemp
update #dirs set done = 1 where directory = @currentdir
if exists (select 1 from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#filetemp___%')
drop table #filetemp
delete from #files where ISNULL(filepath, 'x') not like '%' + @fileextension + '%'
select * from #files
Pasting it into Blogger butchered my formatting, but it feels like a waste of time to fix it, since it will probably not paste properly back into an editor anyway. I made the (minimal) comments green just to break it up a bit.
As usual, no warranty or even functionality of this code is expressed or implied. Use at your own risk, especially since I'm not sure the xp_subdirs extended proc is supported and xp_cmdshell can definitely be dangerous.
** get list of dirs to search for files
declare @currentdir varchar(1000)
declare @fullpath varchar(1000)
declare @basepath varchar(1000)
set @basepath = 'c:\stuff'
set @fullpath = @basepath
if exists (select 1 from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#dirs___%')
drop table #dirs
create table #dirs
directory varchar(1000)
, done bit
if exists (select 1 from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#dirtemp___%')
drop table #dirtemp
create table #dirtemp
( directory varchar(1000) )
insert into #dirtemp exec master.dbo.xp_subdirs @fullpath
insert into #dirs
'\' + directory as directory
, 0 as done
from #dirtemp
Loop: -- xp_subdirs spits out errors when a dir has no subdirs, so they have to be caught with this GOTO Loop construct
while exists (select 1 from #dirs where done = 0)
if exists (select 1 from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#subdirs___%')
drop table #subdirs
create table #subdirs
( directory varchar(255) )
select top 1 @currentdir = directory from #dirs where done = 0
set @fullpath = @basepath + @currentdir
exec master.dbo.xp_subdirs @fullpath
if (@@ERROR <> 0)
update #dirs set done = 1 where @currentdir = directory
insert into #subdirs exec master.dbo.xp_subdirs @fullpath
insert into #dirs select @currentdir + '\' +, 0 as done from #subdirs s
update #dirs set done = 1 where @currentdir = directory
if exists (select 1 from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#dirtemp___%')
drop table #dirtemp
if exists (select 1 from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#subdirs___%')
drop table #subdirs
** get list of files
declare @command varchar(1000)
declare @fileextension varchar(5)
set @fileextension = 'dts'
if exists (select 1 from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#files___%')
drop table #files
create table #files
filepath varchar(1000)
update #dirs set done = 0
while exists (select 1 from #dirs where done = 0)
if exists (select 1 from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#filetemp___%')
drop table #filetemp
create table #filetemp
filepath varchar(1000)
select top 1 @currentdir = directory from #dirs where done = 0
set @command = 'dir ' + @basepath + @currentdir + '\*.' + @fileextension + ' /B'
insert into #filetemp exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @command
insert into #files select @basepath + @currentdir + '\' + filepath from #filetemp
update #dirs set done = 1 where directory = @currentdir
if exists (select 1 from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '#filetemp___%')
drop table #filetemp
delete from #files where ISNULL(filepath, 'x') not like '%' + @fileextension + '%'
select * from #files
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